Reed's commission info
how do you design a site
Current prices:
1 character with a flat color background
Bust-up: 40$
Half-body: 60$
Full-body: 80$
-prices may increase depending on the design complexity / if a background is added
-prices are lowered if a no-color sketch is asked
-prices are for personal use. Commercial use prices are different and need to be discussed beforehand
Some of my art:
Terms of service
-I am allowed to decline a commission request with or without providing a reason
-Payment is done upfront through PayPal invoice
-No refunds are allowed once payments are received
-Unless its a well known character I need references of the character I'm drawing
-Minor adjustments are allowed however big changes that require me to redraw parts aren't
-I am allowed to share or not share the commission on social medias and portfolios except if a NDA is discussed beforehand
-Turn around time can vary I'm slow so let me know beforehand if there is a deadline
Message me on twitter to request a commision
or if you just have more questions